24/04/2018 в 10:43

Nowadays, off-site wedding ceremonies have become especially popular. They have actively supplanted the solemnization of marriage in the registry office. What are their differences and what is better to stop your choice? Perhaps there is even no point in comparing these two events. After all, the procedure in the registry office is the legal registration of a new family. It can be both solemn and consist solely of the legal part. And the away ceremony is a solemn, one can say staged action, organized from beginning to end according to the taste and desires of the couple. В настоящее время, особой популярностью стали пользоваться выездные свадебные церемонии. Они активно вытеснили торжественные бракосочетания в ЗАГСе. Каковы их отличия и на чем лучше остановить свой выбор? Пожалуй, даже нет смысла сравнивать эти два события. Ведь процедура в ЗАГСе - это законная регистрация новой семьи. Она может быть как торжественной, так и состоять исключительно из юридической части. А выездная церемония - это торжественное, можно сказать постановочное действие, организованное от начала и до конца по вкусу и желаниям пары. 

14/03/2018 в 15:41

One of the most beautiful times for outdoor photography is when gardens are in bloom. With studio shoots and bad weather behind us, the warm and gentle sun beckons to take romantic and soulful shots in its rays. Nature is filled with colors and landscapes are flooded with soft light. Starting from the beginning of May, nature gives us lush rich greens and an abundance of incredible shades of colors. It is during this period that you can get incredible and sensual shots. A professional photographer will help you in this, who will conduct a photo session in blooming gardens.  

23/10/2017 в 20:23

That rare occasion when the party at the colleagues in the wedding shop. A wonderful evening and a very proper approach to a wedding party! Thank you, guys! Love for life, family warmth and only positive emotions!!!